- Must be at least 21 years old to be appointed
- Must be appointed prior to 36th birthday, except the maximum age may be extended one year for each year of full-time active military duty - up to a maximum of 7 years.
- Must be a New York State resident and have a valid New York State driver's license at time of appointment.
- Must be able to pass a Physical Ability Test (PAT): sit-ups, push-ups and a 1.5 mile run.
- Must be able to work rotating shifts any day of the week, including holidays.
Must possess one of the following:
- High School Diploma
- High School Equivalency Diploma
AND possess one of the following:
- 60 college credit hours from an accredited college or university.
- 30 college credits and an honorable discharge from the military after two years active military service.
- 30 college credits and have successfully completed a Basic Course for Police Officers certified by the Municipal Police Training Council (MPTC)
*Official transcripts must be sent electronically by the institution attended or through the Parchment website directly to [email protected].
*Non-traditional transferred college credit hours may be accepted. All non-traditional transferred college credits must be listed on an official transcript from an accredited college or university to be accepted. The following are some common sources for obtaining non-traditional transferred college credits:
- Applied elective credits
- Life experience
- Military training and experience
- National credit recommendation
- ACE credit
- Nationally evaluated courses
- National testing programs
- DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
- Excelsior College Examinations (ECE)
- College Level Exam Program (CLEP)
- Professional certification
- Microsoft certification
- Insurance industry exams
- Prior learning assessment
- Industry certifications
- Credit by portfolio
- Sophia Learning
- Transfer partnership
Hearing and Vision
Vision Requirement: uncorrected - no worse than 20/100 in each eye able to be corrected to 20/30 in each eye. Correction may be achieved using glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. Significant color blindness may be disqualifying.
Hearing Requirement: The standard hearing thresholds can be no greater than 30dB at 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz or 3000 Hz in either ear. If the candidate's pure tone screening test is deemed unacceptable, such candidate may, at his/her own expense, have a basic comprehensive audiological evaluation administered by a NYS licensed audiologist.
Pure Tone Thresholds under headphones: if the Pure Tone Thresholds are 30 dB or better, no further testing is required. If the Pure Tone Thresholds are >30 dB but <61 dB, testing with a hearing aid is required. Candidates with Pure Tone Thresholds greater than 60 dB are disqualified.