The Process

The Process

Selection Process

The selection process is job-related and competitive in nature. The process is designed to determine a candidate's potential for success in the NYSP Academy, and as a State Trooper. No prior police experience is required. The first step in the selection process is to complete our entrance exam application. 

APPLY NOW to take the next Trooper Entrance Examination.

After applying, the complete selection process consists of:

  1. Passing the Entrance Examination
  2. Physical Ability Test (PAT)
  3. Psychological Evaluation
  4. Background Investigation and Polygraph Test
  5. Medical Examination

Entrance Examination

The NYSP Entrance Examination is a two-hour test consisting of 150 multiple-choice questions to measure cognitive abilities, along with behavioral characteristics and attitudes. A comprehensive study guide for the exam is provided by the State Police.

The New York State Police have switched from a paper-pencil test to computer-based testing. The agency has partnered with Pearson VUE Testing Centers to provide the exam at 250 locations across the US, including 50 plus in New York State. In addition, testing will be offered for military personnel at 112 locations worldwide.

Apply Now to take the next Trooper Entrance Examination.

Map of New York Testing Site LocationsMap of New York and Surrounding State Testing Site LocationsList of Military Base Testing Site Locations

Eligibility List

Following the entrance examination, an eligibility list is established. Candidates will be ranked in order of exam scores, plus any applicable veteran's credit.

As new trooper positions are authorized, candidates from the eligibility list will be notified to appear for processing. It is extremely important to keep your information updated so that we may be able to contact you when your rank is reached. Update here.

Physical Ability Test

The Trooper Candidate Physical Ability Test (PAT) is typically conducted on a Saturday prior to the candidate processing.

The test measures a candidate's ability to fulfill the essential job functions of the position. The candidate must perform three physical tests, evaluated on a pass-fail basis.

Candidates will be invited to participate in the PAT portion of the selection process based on their score on the written examination.

Fitness Requirements

Candidate Processing

Candidate processing is typically conducted on a Saturday at the New York State Police Academy in Albany, NY. Candidate processing takes place approximately four to six months prior to the start of an Academy class.

During candidate processing, candidates participate in a series of tests and reviews that include, but are not limited to: college transcript review; vision test; hearing test; Tattoo/Body art review and reviewing of documents.

Conditional Offer of Appointment

Candidates who successfully complete the Physical Ability Test are offered an appointment to the position of New York State Trooper, which is conditional upon:

  • The successful completion of the medical examination.
  • Completion of a background investigation.
  • The number of potential vacancies.

Background Investigation

To help determine character and to verify information provided by the applicant, each potential appointee will be the subject of:

  • A thorough background investigation: Applicants must authorize access to educational, financial, employment, and criminal history records. Family, neighbors, associates, and others will be interviewed.
    Derogatory information will be evaluated and may result in disqualification.
  • A polygraph examination: Examinations are conducted at various locations statewide, after processing weekend.

Candidates who receive a satisfactory evaluation on the background investigation and meet all other administrative requirements will be considered eligible for appointment.

Medical Examination

Approximately one month prior to appointment to an Academy class, medical examinations will be conducted at the New York State Police Academy in Albany, NY, by a NYSP Division Physician. Each potential appointee will be required to authorize access to mental health records.

The Division Physician will examine the candidate's medical condition and general ability to perform the essential related job functions.

If the Division Physician should recommend that a candidate is unable to perform the essential functions of the position, the conditional offer of appointment may be revoked by the Superintendent and the candidate will be disqualified.

If any existing or new tattoos do not comply with the New York State Police Tattoo Policy, the conditional offer of appointment may be revoked by the Superintendent and the candidate will be disqualified.


Deferment Information

Deferment Information

No deferments will be granted at this time (except qualified military, see below).  If you were invited for further processing but cannot attend, and you still wish to become a New York State Trooper, you must reapply at


Military Candidates

If you are in the military and cannot attend processing due to an active-duty activation or deployment, please outline your circumstances on the deferment form. Email the completed deferment form, along with a copy of your orders, to the email listed below. Upon return, contact your local recruiter and email [email protected] advising that you have returned and are available to continue with the hiring process.